lauantaina, lokakuuta 14, 2006

Ihmiseltä ihmiselle

Huomenna sitten mennään, Usko!

Juttelin Gordonin kanssa - siis sen fasilitaattorin - ja tässä hänen sähköpostiviestinsä. Kyllä Gordon suomeakin osaa, mutta mieluummin se kirjoittelee englanniksi.

Huomiseen, Oiva.

Hello, I wellcome your friend to our Forum!

What is this all about, you asked on the phone.

I don’t like the way we run meetings… it’s always egos fighting egos, roles clashing to roles? We should learn to meet human-to-human, with respect and genuine listening.

There’s always some pressure in business meetings, selling and negotiating. If we want to be really effective, we must get rid of this artificial pressure that's keeping our spirit down.

You must respect yourself, before you can respect others. You must also trust the process of opening up. You must tap into your essence, be who you really are. I know that’s against our normal thinking, but on the other hand, it can’t be so hard – even children can do it!

Here are some key transformations we're looking for:

From role-relating to human-relating; From negotiating against someone to open dialogue with a win-win attitude; From lecturing to interactive sharing and listening; From quick-fixes to enduring habit of respectful dialogue; From fixed targets to going beyond expectations; From doingness to beingness, from ”busyness business” to slowing and calming down; From consuming energy to creating it; From reactive crisis-meetings to proactive building of trust;

I look forward to meeting your friend, we'll talk more about this on the forum!



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